A Year Through a Lens – 2015 Epilepsy Ireland Calendar

A fantastic blog from Ed Mooney on his honorary mention in the Dublin Photography School and Epilepsy Ireland 2015 Irish photography calendar:)

Ed Mooney Photography

Some of the winning images Some of the winning images

Back  in August, some might recall I mentioned that the nice folks in the Dublin Photography School were running a Photo-competition for this years charity calender in aid of Epilepsy Ireland. So with a vested interest in helping such a worthy cause, I set about choosing some images to enter. After narrowing a selection of shots down to 13, many of you went above and beyond helping me narrow these down to the final three. The competition itself each image was to represent one month of the year, with twelve images being picked for inclusion in the charity calender. I went into this without any expectation, and was quite suprised when I was informed that one of my images had been chosen for an Honorary Mention!

My Honorary Mention My Honorary Mention

So last night was the official Launch party for the calender down in the DPS headquaters…

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